Digital Content Writing Projects

Content writing is essential in digital marketing.

It is true, especially in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It is the reason why I’m grateful for my content writing project experience.

Just disclaimer, these writing gigs are not too technical and not so well-optimized. I was starting in content optimization at that time. But I assure you these projects hone my research and targeting audience skills. I helped my client build a brand authority while doing what I’m passionate about – writing.

Some of these projects are:

screenshot of relationship articles content creation

CBD Website Content Project

Project Background:

I found this client in Upwork. There was a massive project for CBD oil website articles. So the client provided the SEO keywords, product links, and the project deadline. Not bad for a newbie writer.

How to write CBD Website Content?

  1. Do medical research.In web content creation, medical research could make or break your article. We’re not doctors here. We’re just writers. So always site from a high authority domain or a trusted research institute. It will not only help in SEO, but it will also help your readers feel safe because you’re reliable.
  2. Get to know your target audience.
    I know audience research takes time. But your content needs to connect with your audience. In writing about cannabis, ask yourself who is searching for this topic. Are your readers of legal age? Who are they?
  3. Search intent is the key.
    Now that you’ve figured out the “who,” ask yourself the question “why.” Why are they searching for this topic? Why are they so curious to know more about CBD and its health benefits? Do they have a mild or severe illness? Are they seeking expert medical advice?
  4. Know your product.Do your research to know what and how this product is made. What are the benefits? Always provide value to your readers. Ask yourself, what’s in it for them? If you give the benefits, it’ll be easier to sell the product. You’re not too pushy.
  5. Don’t forget the medical disclaimer.I don’t know if others are doing this. But in my case, I always put “seek professional medical advice” as part of the blog. Remember, we’re not doctors. We’re here to help and not make things worse.

Self-help Ebooks Writing

Project Background:

I love this project. It’s so therapeutic. So we’re a group of writers working on a self-help ebook for a client. Our senior put all the chapter topics on Trello. From there, we assign ourselves and pick our chapter. I choose three topics.

Why I love Writing Self-help Ebooks

  • It’s therapeutic. Yes. As I said, I feel the healing journey while writing. I research, learn it for myself, then write it down for others. I feel like I’m a self-development coach.
  • It feels like talking to a friend. Is it just me who wants to advise friends? I love talking about overcoming self-sabotage, anxiety, and insecurity. Why? Because I’ve been there.
  • It reminds me to write professionally. I know these mental health care ebook projects may include personal hardships. So always remember to keep it professional. Plus, you’re working in a group. Don’t get carried away with your emotions.

Relationship Web Articles

Project Background:

Yes, here’s me again, giving pieces of advice like a pro. Lol.

Going back, the client is looking for a ghostwriter. It was the Holiday season, so I guess she’s busy with the holiday, and she wants to outsource some of her writings to someone. It’s a relationship website. Her blogs were about dating, marriage, infidelity, and couple gifts. I love it.

screenshot of published relationship articles written by nichee digital

Guides in Ghostwriting Evergreen Web Articles

1.SEO Keyword Research 

What are your target keywords? You probably have 1-2 keywords in mind. But those keywords are too competitive and broad. So start formulating questions and phrases. In that way, you can create long-tail keywords. These words are more targeted and easy to rank.

2. Competitive Analysis

I know I’m talking too much SEO. SEO or not, this is the basic in writing – research and competitive analysis. In your blog, emphasize what makes you different. Be unique. It’s the only way to stand out.

3. Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs let you earn passive income. And it’s evergreen. So how do you pick an affiliate partner? Search for other products and services that target the same audience as yours. For this client, since her audiences are a couple, her affiliate partners are products for couples. For example, in her dating blogs, she puts affiliates for a date night subscription or gift set.

4. Social Share

Add this to your SEO checklist. Social share or off-page signals can contribute to strong backlinks. Share your blog on your social media account. Pinterest works well with this project. Why? Women use Pinterest. They also search for quotes, love advice, and date ideas for couples. Social share depends on where you’re target audience is hanging out.

5. Passion

Writing requires passion. And passion requires hard work. I always read previous works to get to know my client’s tone in writing. I also make sure that I provide value before pitching a sale. Be passionate in your craft, even if you’re a ghostwriter. You are seen. You are felt.

Client Feedback

client feedback ghostwriting service